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Ocean City, New Jersey is a world famous seashore community just 20 minutes from Atlantic City.

Ocean City offers 8 miles of beautiful beaches and a 2 mile boardwalk lined with shops, restaurants and other attractions that was recently voted one of the best in the world.

Ocean City, New Jersey
Beach tents on the New Jersey shore | See more photos!
© iStockPhoto.com/bskdesigns

Water sports of all sorts in the Atlantic Ocean and Cape May are the appeal here but several championship golf courses are just minutes away.

Ocean City is just an hour from Philadelphia and two hours from New York City. It is a favorite weekend and vacation spot and a prime location for a second home for city dwellers.

Among GreatPlacesToRetire cities, Ocean City ranks high in climate, proximity to nearest large city and natural hazards risk. Ocean City ranks low in home sales prices, taxes and man-made hazards risk.

For more detailed city facts -- including data on home prices, population demographics, medical care, air quality, water quality and more -- click on the City Report graphic below:

To Ocean City City Report
To Ocean City City Report

Get a video tour of Ocean City!

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