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Reno, situated in a high desert valley at 4,400 feet above sea level, is the third largest city in Nevada.

Reno touts itself as the "Biggest Little City in the World" and is famous for its casinos and year-round outdoor activities.

Reno, Nevada
Kayaker on the Truckee River in downtown Reno | See more photos!
© iStockPhoto.com/hairballusa

Reno is only 45 minutes from Lake Tahoe and some of the best ski resorts in the country. Reno is home to the University of Nevada, established in 1874.

Among GreatPlacesToRetire.com cities, Reno ranks high in man-made hazards risk, recreation and medical care. Reno ranks low in taxes and water quality.

For more detailed city facts -- including data on home prices, population demographics, medical care, air quality, water quality and more -- click on the City Report graphic below:

To Reno City Report
To Reno City Report

Get a video tour of Reno!

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