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Southampton, settled in 1640 and incorporated in 1894, is the oldest English settlement in New York.

Southampton is one of several towns on the east end of Long Island, New York referred to as The Hamptons.

For over 100 years, The Hamptons have been a playground for wealthy New Yorkers who are seeking refuge from city life in the serene countryside and pristine beaches.

Southampton, New York
Ocean-front beach houses somewhere near Southampton | See more photos!
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Among the GreatPlacesToRetire.com group of cities, Southampton ranks high in crime, family income, climate and population density. Southampton ranks low in taxes, home sales prices and age of population.

For more detailed city facts -- including data on home prices, population demographics, medical care, air quality, water quality and more -- click on the City Report graphic below:

To Southampton City Report
To Southampton City Report

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