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This report with data from the federal government shows the average number of crimes per year reported to law enforcement in the period 2001-2017 per 10,000 in population.

Violent crime includes murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. Property crime includes arson, burglary, larceny/theft and motor vehicle theft.

Pinehurst, North Carolina and Naperville, Illinois have the least reported total crime per capita of all 99 of our profiled cities and towns.

(crimes per 10,000 in population per year)
  Total Violent Property  
  Crimes Crimes Crimes GPTR
City/Town (per year) (per year) (per year) Rank
Pinehurst, NC 103 4 99 1
Naperville, IL 158 7 151 2
Georgetown, TX 171 12 159 3
Stamford, CT 199 27 172 4
Half Moon Bay, CA 206 16 190 5
Williamsburg, VA 209 19 190 6
Princeton, NJ 226 10 216 7
Lake Placid, NY 229 11 218 8
Sedona, AZ 238 20 218 9
Henderson, NV 250 21 229 10
Paradise Valley, AZ 250 8 242 10
Middleton, WI 257 8 249 12
St George, UT 258 20 238 13
Southampton, NY 265 11 254 14
Ann Arbor, MI 270 24 246 15
GPTR Rank - Lower "Total Crimes" is better

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