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Local, state and federal tax data is from the Tax Foundation, an educational and tax research organization based in Washington D.C.

The measure for total taxes is reported as a total number of days worked that are required to pay off the taxes (yellow columns).

Total tax includes income tax (state & federal), sales and property tax (state & local) and use tax (gas, cigarette & alcohol).

Residents of Clarksville, Gatlinburg and Oak Ridge, Tennessee and Gulf Shores, Alabama give back less on average to the tax man than residents of the other cities.

Federal, State & Local Taxes
and Tax Freedom Day
  Combined   Days Worked    
  State & Local State to Pay all State  
  Sales Tax Rank Federal, State Rank  
  Rates (1 is lowest & Local Taxes (1 is lowest GPTR
City/Town 2018 rate) 2018 tax burden) Rank
Clarksville, TN 9.5% 49 95 3 1
Gatlinburg, TN 9.5% 49 95 3 1
Gulf Shores, AL 9.1% 46 95 3 1
Oak Ridge, TN 9.5% 49 95 3 1
Boise, ID 6.0% 14 97 6 5
Coeur d'Alene, ID 6.0% 14 97 6 5
Fayetteville, AR 9.4% 48 97 6 5
Hot Springs Village, AR 9.4% 48 97 6 5
Pocatello, ID 6.0% 14 97 6 5
Athens, GA 7.2% 31 99 8 10
Chandler, AZ 8.3% 40 99 8 10
Columbia, SC 7.4% 33 99 8 10
Greenville, SC 7.4% 33 99 8 10
Hilton Head, SC 7.4% 33 99 8 10
Newnan, GA 7.2% 31 99 8 10
Paradise Valley, AZ 8.3% 40 99 8 10
Prescott, AZ 8.3% 40 99 8 10
Sedona, AZ 8.3% 40 99 8 10
Valdosta, GA 7.2% 31 99 8 10
GPTR Rank - Lower Days Worked to Pay Federal/State/Payroll/Local/Use taxes is better.

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