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Athens, Georgia and Tyler, Texas top the list of the best places to retire in the U.S. See below to find out which of our 99 great places cracked the top ten ranking.

Click on any city link below to see detailed quality of life data, a city profile and video tours. Scroll down the page to find top retirement cities that match your priorities at our Top Cities lists.

Athens, GA
To the Athens, GA City Report
Ranks high in: Population Growth, Taxes, Population Age, Nearest Big City, Diversity, Recreation
Population: 123,371
City Type: Lakes & Rivers, College Town
Climate Type: Warm & Humid
Local Resources:
     Find homes for sale in Athens!
Tyler, TX
To the Tyler, TX City Report
Ranks high in: Building Permit Growth, Water Quality, Medical Care, Diversity
Population: 104,798
City Type: Lakes & Rivers, College Town
Climate Type: Warm & Humid
Local Resources:
     Find homes for sale in Tyler!
Clarksville, TN
To the Clarksville, TN City Report
Ranks high in: Home Prices, Big City Home Price Comparison, Water Quality, Taxes, Diversity
Population: 150,287
City Type: Lakes & Rivers, College Town
Climate Type: Temperate & Humid
Local Resources:
     Find homes for sale in Clarksville!
Colorado Springs, CO
To the Colorado Springs, CO City Report
Ranks high in: Big City Home Price Comparison, Water Quality, Medical Care, Man-Made Hazard Risk (Nuclear)
Population: 465,101
City Type: Mountains, College Town
Climate Type: Cool & Dry
Local Resources:
     Find homes for sale in Colorado Springs!
Olympia, WA
To the Olympia, WA City Report
Ranks high in: Home Price Appreciation, Big City Home Price Comparison, Population Growth, Nearest Big City, Climate
Population: 51,202
City Type: Lakes & Rivers, Mountains, College Town, State Capital
Climate Type: Temperate & Humid
Local Resources:
     Find homes for sale in Olympia!
Newnan, GA
To the Newnan, GA City Report
Ranks high in: Building Permit Growth, Taxes, Diversity
Population: 37,912
City Type: Lakes & Rivers
Climate Type: Temperate & Humid
Local Resources:
     Find homes for sale in Newnan!
Bowling Green, KY
To the Bowling Green, KY City Report
Ranks high in: Nearest Big City
Population: 65,234
City Type: Lakes & Rivers, College Town
Climate Type: Temperate & Humid
Local Resources:
     Find homes for sale in Bowling Green!
Gainesville, FL
To the Gainesville, FL City Report
Ranks high in: Building Permit Growth, Population Age, Home Energy Use, Nearest Big City, Diversity
Population: 131,591
City Type: Lakes & Rivers, College Town
Climate Type: Warm & Humid
Local Resources:
     Find homes for sale in Gainesville!
Provo, UT
To the Provo, UT City Report
Ranks high in: Water Quality, Population Age, Man-Made Hazard Risk (Nuclear), Recreation
Population: 116,868
City Type: Lakes & Rivers, College Town, Mountains
Climate Type: Warm & Dry
Local Resources:
     Find homes for sale in Provo!
Greenville, SC
To the Greenville, SC City Report
Ranks high in: Home Price Appreciation, Population Growth, Taxes, Medical Care, Diversity, Recreation
Population: 67,453
City Type: Lakes & Rivers, Mountains, College Town
Climate Type: Temperate & Humid
Local Resources:
     Find homes for sale in Greenville!
(To see quality of life category ranks for the Top 10 Cities Click Here.)

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